- /Brunsting/CD's received from Parties etc/CD1 Carl 412.249-401 Plaintiffs Doc production P1-14988/P12759-14988 Emails & Correspondence/
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P12765-12766 Demand to Carole re PC 75.pdf
P12767-12769 Demand to Freed, Anita, and Amy re PC 75.pdf
P12770-12772 DTPA Notice.pdf
P12773-12779 Emails about Vacek & Freed's actions.pdf
P12780-12787 Emails between Amy and Vacek & Freed.pdf
P12788-12886 Emails between Anita and Vacek & Freed.pdf
P12887-13211 Emails between Carole and Vacek & Freed.pdf
P13212-13224 Emails between Candy and Vacek & Freed.pdf
P13225-13259 Emails between Carl and Vacek & Freed.pdf
P13260-13266 Emails between Carl and third parties.pdf
P13267-13459 Emails between Nelva and Amy.pdf
P13460-13767 Emails between Nelva and Anita.pdf
P13768-13838 Emails between Nelva and Carole.pdf
P13839-13994 Emails between Nelva and Candy.pdf
P13995-14186 Emails between Nelva and Carl.pdf
P14187-14207 2008-2009 Brunsting Sibling Emails.pdf
P14208-14659 2010 Brunsting Sibling Emails.pdf
P14660-14792 2011 Brunsting Sibling Emails.pdf
P14793-14961 2012 Brunsting Sibling Emails.pdf
P14962-14988 Emails between BGB and siblings.pdf