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2012-03-09 case 212-14538 Bayless Petition to take deposition before suit.pdf
2024-02-26 Charalampous v. Lee.pdf
2024-02-29 IN THE MATTER OF CHARALAMPOUS, KANELLOS D, PB-2024-00019, No. 1055721212 (Oklahoma State, McClain County, District Court Feb. 9, 2024).pdf
2024-03-13 Affidavit of person aquainted with testator.pdf
2024-03-13 Affidavit of person aquainted with testator2.pdf
2024-04-19 Affidavit.pdf
2024-04-19 Certificate of deposit of Will.pdf
2024-04-19 Mendel Certificate of Deposit of Charalampous Will.pdf
Backup of Charalampos Time Line Overlap.wbk
Backup of Charalampos Time Line.wbk
Charalampos Time Line Overlap.docx
Rule 202 - Depositions before Suit or to Investigate Claims.pdf
Web Inquiry.pdf
Web Inquiry2.pdf